"Ogbodo Enyi" Helmet Crest Representing an Elephant

"Ogbodo Enyi" Helmet Crest Representing an Elephant
Northeastern Igbo, Nigeria
Wood, paint, mineral pigments
Early 20th century
22 x 9.5 x 12.5 in. / 56 x 24 x 32 cm
Height on custom display stand: 22 in. / 56 cm
This type of helmet crest, representing an elephant spirit (ogbodo enyi), is found in the northeastern Igbo region, where it is used by the Izzi, Ezzi, Ikwo, and neighboring groups. Originally the masquerades performed aggressive dances intended to maintain law and order, but their function was later limited to pure entertainment.
One side consists of an elephant’s head, strongly stylized and composed of geometric designs. The other side displays a human character projecting from a diamond-shaped field and wearing raised scarification marks. The striking black and white color scheme with orange accents underscore the plasticity and expressiveness of the mask. The holes along the lower edge once held bundles of raffia fiber that hid the head of the dancer, who also wore a knee-length costume of woven plant fibers (Hahner-Herzog, Kecskési, and Vajda, African Masks, 1998).
Shipping quoted separately.